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I started this blog to keep family and friends informed of all my pregnancy progress. But now, I use it as a sort of scrapbook of our lives, and to support other moms out there! Becoming a mother was extremely overwhelming and daunting for me. It's nice to know there are other moms going through the exact same thing. We aren't perfect.

 I am a passionate mother to Isla June, wife to Jeremy and an opinionated talking, moderate thinking, organic eating kind of lady.  We started our little family in 2007, expanded in 2010, and have been learning and growing along the way. 
 We attempt to live as holistically and eco-consciously as possible, but we don't kill ourselves for it.
I'm a former educator and have experience with children with special needs from age 2-10.  A lot of what I learned in the classroom is a part of who I am as a mother. 
We live passionately for each other and strive to surround ourselves and others with our love. 
We're definitely still trying to figure this all out!

In our house we

Trust in God
Think good thoughts
Try to do better
Say I'm sorry
Believe in Grace
Love one another
Show Respect
Never Give Up
Pray Always
Sign in to follow along and see what we're thinking, doing, eating and living!
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